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[축하] Our work reporting a hippocampus-inspired organic artificial synapse has been highlighted on Advanced Science News!

관리자 │ 2021-07-28



Our recent paper (Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2100119, A Hippocampus‐Inspired Dual‐Gated Organic Artificial Synapse for Simultaneous Sensing of a Neurotransmitter and Light (wiley.com)) has been highlighted on Advanced Science News.

Read the following news:

Computers that mimic memory and learning in the brain - Advanced Science News

이해랑 박사와 이도영 연구원의 Advanced Materials 논문이 Wiley 출판사 과학 뉴스 웹사이트인 Advanced Science News에 헤드라인 기사로 소개되었습니다.

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